Bayesian linear models
Bayesian generalized linear models
Bayesian zero-inflated models
Bayesian survival (duration) models
Bayesian sample-selection models
Bayesian multilevel models

Most applications of rank() will be to one variable, but the argument exp can be more general,
namely, an expression. In particular, rank(-varname) reverses ranks from those obtained by
The default ranking and those obtained by using one of the track, field, and unique options
differ principally in their treatment of ties. The default is to assign the same rank to tied values
such that the sum of the ranks is preserved. The track option assigns the same rank but resembles
the convention in track events; thus, if one person had the lowest time and three persons tied for
second-lowest time, their ranks would be 1, 2, 2, and 2, and the next person(s) would have rank 5.
The field option acts similarly except that the highest is assigned rank 1, as in field events in which
the greatest distance or height wins. The unique option breaks ties arbitrarily: its most obvious use
is assigning ranks for a graph of ordered values. See also group() for another kind of “ranking”.

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The third line tells collect to center the estimation-command labels—(1), (2), and (3)—over the two columns that each label spans.