NOA Library - includes GAMS nonlinear optimization applications models based on the book Nonlinear Optimization Applications Using the GAMS Technology by Neculai Andrei.

GAMS is a high level modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization. It consists of a language compiler and a range of associated solvers.

The following model libraries are available:
GAMS Model Library - includes GAMS models representing interesting and sometimes classic problems, ranged from production and shipment by firms, investment planning, cropping patterns in agriculture, operation of oil refineries and petrochemical plants,

Note that set elements are stored as character strings, so the elements of t are not numbers.
Another convenient feature is the alias statement, which is used to give another name to a previously declared set. In the
following example:
Alias (t,tp);
the name tp is like a t0 in mathematical notation. It is useful in models that are concerned with the interactions of elements
within the same set.
The sets i, j, t, and m in the statements above are examples of static sets, i.e., they are assigned their members directly by the
user and do not change. GAMS has several capabilities for creating dynamic sets, which acquire their members through the
execution of set-theoretic and logical operations. Dynamic sets are discussed in Chapter Dynamic Sets. Another valuable
advanced feature is multidimensional sets, which are discussed in Section Multi-dimensional Sets.