Slice through models with a user defined plane (X, Y, Z point plus dip and dip direction) outputting a 2D surface colored by any attribute since all data within the volumetric model will be mapped to the slice.
Create Fence Diagrams through the model, which follow any number of arbitrary polylines.

We’re sure everyone would want one for free but we’re hoping that those with serious interest will be willing to pay a portion of the real cost.

Earth Volumetric Studio is a standalone Windows program which offers the ultimate in speed, power and flexibility. Studio unites advanced volumetric gridding, geostatistical analysis, and 4D visualization tools into a software system developed to address the needs of all Earth science disciplines. The graphical user interface is integrated with modular analysis and graphics routines which can be customized and combined to satisfy the analysis and visualization needs of any application. Studio can be used to analyze all types of analytical and geophysical data in any environment (e.g. soil, groundwater, surface water, air, noise, resistivity, etc.). Earth Volumetric Studio’s integrated geostatistics provides quantitative evaluation of the quality of your data and site models and identifies locations that require additional data collection.

Surfaces Volumes Edges, Grid, Hidden Lines
Plumes (Isovolumes)
Intersections of Multiple Analytes
Extremely Limited
Unions of Multiple Analytes
Drape Lines(e.g. DXF Input) on Surfaces