Users can also opt for relatively simple (two-dimensional rectangular geometries – 2D-Lite [which corresponds with former Hydrus-2D without MeshGen-2D] or three-dimensional hexahedral geometries – 3D-Lite) or more complex geometries (i.e., 2D-Standard for general two-dimensional geometries,
The Fumigant Module (in 1D; previously available in 2D and 3D) considers options required
to simulate the Fate and Transport of Fumigants (e.g., removal of tarp, temperature
dependent tarp properties, additional injection of fumigant).
The HYDRUS software is easy to use and learn as there are the many free 1D and 2D, and 3D tutorials. Both HYDRUS developers are organizing short courses organized around the world. Also see the recently released HYDRUS textbook and HYDRUS Tutorial eBook.
There are thousands of registered users in HYDRUS discussion forums allowing them to share their experience and learn from others.
HYDRUS provides users with a great deal of flexibility, as it allows them to acquire only the segment of the software that is most appropriate for their particular application. Table 1 contains a description and pricing of the five available HYDRUS Levels. Users can select software limited to two-dimensional problems, or for both two- and three-dimensional applications, and can also opt for relatively simple or more complex geometries. Users can upgrade to higher Levels, as well as from earlier versions of HYDRUS 2D/3D (i.e., version 1.x) to newer versions. Multiple user licenses for up to 20 PCs are double the price of a single license.