The governing convection-dispersion solute transport equations are written in a very general form by including provisions for nonlinear nonequilibrium reactions between the solid and liquid phases, and linear equilibrium reaction between the liquid and gaseous phases.
The COSMIC Module (in 1D) to simulate Cosmic-Ray Neutron Fluxes [Brunetti et al., 2019].
The Dynamic Plant Uptake (DPU) Module (in 1D and 2D) developed by Brunetti et al. [2019,
2021, 2022] simulates the translocation and transformation of neutral and ionisable
compounds in the soil-plant domain.
This web site offers many other tools that may be helpful especially for beginning HYDRUS users. We continue to provide the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Discussion Forums where users can obtain answers to most of the more common questions as well as be able to share their experience, pose questions, and seek guidance for specific applications. We will continue to actively support these tools. You can also view simple demos (for Version 1 and Version 2) that illustrate the use of the new HYDRUS software, accompanied with brief explanations of particular commands and actions. Additionally, we provide a list of references so that potential HYDRUS users can see additional examples, in which HYDRUS has been applied in the past, and existing users can find help with their own applications.
New type of selection: Main Menu -> Edit -> Select -> Select by Object Numbers...
New option to set the factor of translucency for geometric objects, FE-mesh, etc. (Main
Menu -> Options -> Transparency Options...)