Instructions to install additional projects after downloading:
You can either unzip downloaded HYDRUS projects directly into any existing HYDRUS Project Group (e.g., Direct or Inverse) or create a new Project Group. If you unzip downloaded HYDRUS projects into any existing Project Group, then the downloaded projects will be immediately visible using the Project Manager. If you want to create a new Project Group for downloaded projects, follow the instructions below to make them visible in the Project Manager:

We will be expanding the public library of HYDRUS projects in the near future. We welcome suggestions regarding the types of projects you would like to download here.

The water flow part of the model can deal with (constant or time-varying) prescribed head and flux boundaries, as well as boundaries controlled by atmospheric conditions. Soil surface boundary conditions may change during the simulation from prescribed flux to prescribed head type conditions (and vice versa).

HYDRUS一共五个版本,用户可以选择适合自己版本。用户可以选择局限于一般功能的二维应用(2D-Standar本,与之前含有MeshGen-2D的Hydrus-2D功能一致)或者二维和三维应用(如3D-Standard 或3D-Professional)。用户也可以选择相对简单的(二维直角几何图形—3D-Lite, 与之前不含MeshGen-2D的Hydrus-2D功能一致)或三维的几何立体图形– 3D-Lite)或更复杂的几何图形(用于普通二维几何图形的2D-Standard或在二维基础上以及分层三维的3D-Standard,以及用于普通三维几何图形的3D-Professional)。用户也可以选择从低版本升级到高版本。