In such situations, Bayesian econometrics modeling can provide a balance between what's observed in the data and what's reasonable to assume about model parameters to obtain reliable inference.
Sample-size analysis for confidence intervals in Stata 16
The new ciwidth command performs Precision and Sample Size (PrSS) analysis, which is sample-size analysis for confidence intervals (CIs). This method is used when you are planning a study and you want to optimally allocate resources when CIs are to be used for inference. Said differently, you use this method when you want to estimate the sample size required to achieve the desired precision of a CI in a planned study.
ciwidth produces sample sizes, precision, and more that are required for the
• CI for one mean
• CI for one variance
• CI for two independent means
• CI for two paired means
The control panel interface lets you select the analysis type and input assumptions to obtain desired results.
ciwidth allows results to be displayed in customizable tables and graphs.
ciwidth also provides facilities for you to add your own methods.
Use your favorite Stata commands like always; underlying functions are faster, so you get results faster.
This entry provides a software-free introduction to Bayesian analysis. See [BAYES] bayes for an
overview of the software for performing Bayesian analysis and for an overview example.