The effect of this statement is to declare the parameter d and to specify its domain as the set of ordered pairs in the Cartesian
product of i and j. The values of d are also given in this statement under the appropriate heading. If there are blank entries
in the table, they are interpreted as zeroes.
As in the list format, GAMS will perform domain checking to make sure that the row and column names of the table are
members of the appropriate sets. Formats for entering tables with more columns than you can fit on one line and for entering
tables with more than two dimensions are given in Chapter Data Entry: Parameters, Scalars and Tables.

SOPT Library - includes GAMS optimization models based on the book Power System Optimization Modelling in GAMS by by Alireza Soroudi.
See Accessing Model Libraries on how to access a GAMS model from the model libraries.

In Section The Dollar Condition, we describe how to use the dollar operator to impose restrictions on the summation operator
so that only the elements of i and j that satisfy specified conditions are included in the summation.
Products are defined in GAMS using exactly the same format as summations, replacing Sum by Prod. For example,
prod(j, x(i, j))
is equivalent to: Pjxi j.
Summation and product operators may be used in direct assignment statements for parameters. For example,

Decision variables are expressed algebraically, with their indices specified. From this general form, GAMS generates each instance of the variable in the domain.