MATLAB 助力量化金融和风险管理
使用 MATLAB 可以导入数据、开发算法、调试代码、扩展处理能力等。
只需用几行 MATLAB® 代码,即可进行金融计算的建模并对其进行验证,通过并行处理来提高模型运算速度,然后直接将它们运用于日常业务中。
机构使用 MATLAB 来确定利率、进行压力测试、管理数十亿美元的投资组合,并在瞬间完成复杂金融产品的交易。
MATLAB 可进行快速运算:运行风险和投资组合分析模型可比在 R 中快达 120 倍,比在 Excel/VBA 中快达100 倍,比 Python快达 64 倍。
MATLAB 可以自动生成记录供模型复查以及满足合规的要求。
IT 团队可以将用MATLAB开发的模型直接部署到桌面和 Web 应用程序中(如 Excel、Tableau、Java、C++ 和 Python)。
MATLAB 含有从免费和付费来源(包括 Bloomberg、Thomson Reuters、FactSet、FRED 和 Twitter)导入历史和实时市场数据的界面。
MATLAB 可以对从各种数据源导入的大量实时数据流进行处理 。
Interactively annotate titles, axis labels, and data tips to convey and highlight necessary information. Then automatically generate the corresponding MATLAB code to reproduce your work and add it to your with a push of a button.
MATLAB 和 Simulink 在机器人领域的应用
机器人研究人员和使用 MATLAB 和 Simulink,在同个软件环境下即可全部实现:设计和调优算法,对真实系统进行建模,并自动生成代码。
使用 MATLAB 和 Simulink,您能够:
开发跨硬件的算法并连接到机器人操作系统 (ROS)。
可采用多种语言,如 C/C++、VHDL/Verilog、结构化文本和 CUDA,为微控制器、FPGA、PLC 和 GPU 等嵌入式目标自动生成代码,从而摆脱手动编码。
使用预置的硬件支持包,连接到低成本硬件,如 Arduino 和 Raspberry Pi。
MathWorks application deployment products increase the benefit of MATLAB® to your organization by allowing you to share the work you do in MATLAB with people who do not have access to MATLAB. You can share with internal colleagues and decision makers, or external collaborators and clients.
Your MATLAB based programs can be deployed as standalone applications, add-ins for Microsoft® Excel®, and software components that can be integrated into web and enterprise applications. You can deploy any MATLAB program covering a range of industries and applications such as data science, semiconductor/electronics, manufacturing systems, image processing, aerospace/defense, and financial services.
All applications and components are encrypted to protect your intellectual property and can be shared royalty free.
When compared with manually recoding algorithms, deploying your MATLAB applications and components provides advantages, such as:
Domain experts can maintain ownership of ideas, algorithms, and applications.
Software developers have the flexibility to integrate a common algorithm with different programming languages and platforms.
Organizations gain efficiency by avoiding time consuming and error prone recoding, as well as easily adopting algorithm improvements throughout the application’s lifecycle.