A minor error in the chart with results at observation nodes (inverse data were not displayed
for some boundary conditions BC=7,8,9)
Several errors in HYPAR - if the Expanded Root Growth or Reservoir Boundary Conditions
were used.
Allowing the Walker equation for both negative and positive exponent
数据预处理涉及二维流动区域规范,具有任意形状连续的折线、圆弧、样条函数、域边界的离散化和一个非结构化的有限元网格的下一个版本。HYDRUS(标准版)带有一个可选的网格生成程序,Meshgen可以生成一个非结构化有限元网格的二维域。HYDRUS基于Delaunay推论,已经被无缝集成到HYDRUS环境里了。在没有Meshgen程序的情况下,HYDRUS GUI提供了一个简单、结构化网格的自动构建选项(Lite版本)。三维版本是在Lite和Standar本下添加了的相同或不同厚度的层数。HYDRUS 3D版有一个三维网格生成程序(GENEX和T3D),为通用三维域生成非结构化有限元网格。
This web site offers many other tools that may be helpful especially for beginning HYDRUS users. We continue to provide the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Discussion Forums where users can obtain answers to most of the more common questions as well as be able to share their experience, pose questions, and seek guidance for specific applications. We will continue to actively support these tools. You can also view simple demos (for Version 1 and Version 2) that illustrate the use of the new HYDRUS software, accompanied with brief explanations of particular commands and actions. Additionally, we provide a list of references so that potential HYDRUS users can see additional examples, in which HYDRUS has been applied in the past, and existing users can find help with their own applications.
Fixed Errors:
Flowing particles were not calculated in 64-bit version (HYPAR and H3D_Calc)
Error in Root Water Uptake Parameters dialog (combo-box selection)