A GAMS Tutorial by Richard E. Rosenthal
1 Introduction
The introductory part of this book ends with a detailed example of the use of GAMS for formulating, solving, and analyzing
a small and simple optimization problem. Richard E. Rosenthal of the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California
wrote it. The example is a quick but complete overview of GAMS and its features. Many references are made to other parts
of the book, but they are only to tell you where to look for more details; the material here can be read profitably without
reference to the rest of the book.
The example is an instance of the transportation problem of linear programming, which has historically served as a 'laboratory
animal' in the development of optimization technology. [See, for example, Dantzig (1963) 1. ] It is a good choice for
illustrating the power of algebraic modeling languages like GAMS because the transportation problem, no matter how large
the instance at hand, possesses a simple, exploitable algebraic structure. You will see that almost all of the statements in the
GAMS input file we are about to present would remain unchanged if a much larger transportation problem were considered.
In the familiar transportation problem, we are given the supplies at several plants and the demands at several markets for a
single commodity, and we are given the unit costs of shipping the commodity from plants to markets. The economic question
is: how much shipment should there be between each plant and each market so as to minimize total transport cost?
The algebraic representation of this problem is usually presented in a format similar to the following

GAMS Data Library - includes GAMS models demonstrating various utilities to interface GAMS with other tools and applications such as spreadsheets and database interface.

面向对象的GAMA API允许GAMS无缝整合到为交互提供适当类别的应用中。这三个面向对象GAMS API是.NET, Java和Python与.NET framework 4 (Visual Studio 2010)、Java SE 5或更高版本以及Python 3.4, 2.7和2.6。
除了面向对象的GAMA API,还有级别(或级别) 的GAMS API,它们的使用要求有高深知识的GAMS组件库。
除了API, GAMS还提供智能链接到应用程序,如MS Excel, MatLab或R。用户可以在这个环境中继续工作,通过一个API就可以访问GAMS所有的优化功能。这就允许应用中的模型数据和结果可以可视化和分析了。

This documentation guides GAMS User through several topics in GAMS system. Some introductions to software systems
are like reference manuals: they describe each command in detail. Others take you step by step through a small number of
examples. This guide uses elements of both approaches.
• Introduction and Tutorial - This is a self-contained tutorial that guides you through a single example, a small
transportation model, in some detail: you can quickly investigate the flavor of GAMS by reading it.
– Introduction - an introductory to GAMS User's Guide.
– Tutorial - A GAMS Tutorial by Richard E. Rosenthal.