According to the Web of Knowledge (ISI), the “Highly Cited” or “Hot” manuscripts are manuscripts that has received enough citations to place them in the top of either 1% or 0.1% of papers in their field, respectively.
The HYDRUS software is used by thousands of users around the world (over ten thousand of downloads in 2017 alone, and many more before and since then), including leading research institutions, regulatory agencies, and consulting companies.
An error in the HP2-Components dialog (values in the “component” column were disabled)
A minor error in the dialog for Chart Options - some check-boxes were not displayed
correctly under certain circumstances
Reservoir BC (in 3D; previously available in 2D).
An increased number of print times to 10,000.
New graphical capabilities, such as z-t graphs of selected variables.
HYDRUS provides users with a great deal of flexibility, as it allows them to acquire only the segment of the software that is most appropriate for their particular application. Table 1 contains a description and pricing of the five available HYDRUS Levels. Users can select software limited to two-dimensional problems, or for both two- and three-dimensional applications, and can also opt for relatively simple or more complex geometries. Users can upgrade to higher Levels, as well as from earlier versions of HYDRUS 2D/3D (i.e., version 1.x) to newer versions. Multiple user licenses for up to 20 PCs are double the price of a single license.