Dense and Oversampled Data
DrillGuide(TM) and 2D Kriging
Excavation and Tunnelling
Exporting Data to C Tech File Formats
Fault Modeling

Compute Isolines displayed on the surface of a model which accurately follow the data at a sub-feature level.
3D Volumetric Plumes representing a 3D subset of your model based on any attribute. All data within the volumetric model will be retained in the volumetric subset.
Isosurfaces are 3D surfaces that represent a constant value within a 3D volume. These surfaces can represent a depth below ground surface, a constant concentration within a volume or any other 2D subset of the volume. All data within the volumetric model will be mapped to the surface.

Salt Caverns for Oil and Gas Storage
Stratigraphic Geologic Modeling
TCE Time Domain Kriging
Time Varying Water Table Animation
Total HC at a Painting Facility
Unions-Intersections and Multiple Analytes
Xylene in Non-Vertical Borings

This proven technology can dramatically cut site assessment costs whether you’re searching for gold or groundwater contamination. Our tools improve site assessment and enhance your ability to analyze and present data for assessments, remediation planning, litigation support, regulatory reporting, and public relations.