Software and internet companies are in a race to extract meaningful information from big data. MATLAB® products can enable computer scientists and data analysts to quickly convert the information found in big data into valuable insights. MATLAB can be used to:
Explore data to look for gaps and patterns
Develop algorithms for predictive models
Accelerate analysis using high performance computing
Integrate and deploy applications into enterprise solutions

Develop Large-Scale Applications
You can develop and maintain large-scale applications using MATLAB with projects, source control integration, unit testing, continuous integration and deployment, and toolbox packaging.

Datatypes and preprocessing capabilities designed for engineering and scientific data
Interactive and highly customizable data visualizations
Apps and Live Editor tasks that helps with interactive data cleaning, preparation, and code generation

With MATLAB® and related data analysis products you perform analyses and gain insight into your data in a fraction of the time required with spreadsheets or traditional programming languages such as C, C++, or Visual Basic.
These products combine a powerful numeric engine and programming environment with interactive tools for statistical analysis, image processing, signal processing, and other domains. You can:
Access data from files, spreadsheets, databases, test equipment, data acquisition hardware, other software, or the Web
Explore your data to identify trends, test hypotheses, and estimate uncertainty
Create customized algorithms, visualizations, and models and publish customized reports
Share your analysis tools as MATLAB code or as standalone desktop or Web applications