Item Response Theory, and structural equation models for continuous, binary, ordered categorical (ordinal), or combinations of these variable types. The estimation is carried out using Bayesian analysis
Free Mplus workshops - Dr. Michael Zyphur has made available a free 3-day workshop held in July 2019 at the University of Melbourne. The workshop covers the new General Cross-Lagged Panel Model (GCLM) in Mplus. A second course will be offered sometime between Nov 25 and Dec 13, 2019. Additionally, a 5-day Mplus workshop covering various modeling topics, from basic correlation and regression to multilevel structural equation modeling and latent growth models in Mplus is available for viewing and download.
Time Series Analysis
Time series analysis is used to analyze intensive longitudinal data such as those obtained with ecological momentary assessments, experience sampling methods, daily diary methods, and ambulatory assessments. Such data typically have a large number of time points, for example, twenty to two hundred.
Mplus Version 7.4, November 2015
Mplus Version 7.4 is now available. Mplus Version 7.4 includes corrections to minor problems that have been found since the release of Version 7.31 in May 2015 as well as the following new features: