
Preparation and testing time is reduced due to the PSCAD Graphical User Interface.
In EMTDC, many series and parallel electric elements are mathematically collapsed (such as an RLC branch) to reduce the amount of nodes and branches.
The Optimal Ordering algorithm in EMTDC serves to increase LDU matrix decomposition speed.
The Optimal Switch Ordering algorithm ensures that switching operations are very fast and efficient by moving switching elements to optimal conductance matrix positions.
EMTDC utilizes subsystems, which takes advantage of the fact that the numerical solution of electric networks, separated by travelling wave transmission lines, are mathematically independent.
An Interpolation algorithm is used in EMTDC to perform switching operations. This allows any switching event to occur at the exact switching instant, even if this instant is between time steps. This allows EMTDC to run at a larger time step (faster), yet maintain accurate results. Also, additional snubber circuits are not needed to address inherent numerical troubles.

● 电动机启动
● 详细故障与保护系统分析
● 系统恢复(黑启动)研究
● 电能质量谐波、闪变
● 传输线场效应和电晕分析
● 自定义模型的开发
解决方案。我们是Nelson River Bipole I & II期高压直
电项目研究包括Nelson River Bipole III期的发展做了
● 高压直流输电规划与可行性研究
● 操作,维护和调试服务
● 为LCC和VSC包括现代模块化多电平换流器
● 交直流系统相互作用
● 交互作用
● 滤波器设计
● 接地极设计

When digital programs were first developed for power system analysis, the computers available were the old mainframe type used by the company for their accounts and billing. A team of specialists, whose function was to oversee all transactions involving the system, also serviced the system. The technical user was but a slave to the whims of these specialists, whose power lay in their ability to speak the system language: The interpretation of a mysterious jumble of words known only as 'JCL' was a jealously guarded secret. Consequently, the 'end user' (or more humiliatingly the 'client') was kept in hand and normally suffered through the computer programs so condescendingly provided.
These computer programs were supposedly structured to anticipate, as the programmers hoped, the every need of the technical user. Model construction and variation was accomplished by data entry. Unfortunately, it was impossible to anticipate all needs. Developments in power system technologies out-sped advancements in the computer programs. Because of these limitations in program flexibility, the programs always lagged in representation of the emerging power system. The creative potential of the technical specialist could not be fully realized with such program modeling restrictions.
2020年,北京天演融智软件有限公司申请高等教育司产学合作协同育人项目,“大数据”和“机器学习”师资培训项目,以及基于OBE的教考分离改革与教学评测项目已获得批准。我们将会跟更多的高校合作,产学融合协同育人。科学软件网专注提供正版软件,跟上百家软件开发商有紧密合作,价格优惠,的和培训服务。您购买PSCAD V5软件后,我们会提供大量额外的附加服务,比如PSCAD软件培训,用户大会等服务。