Models in Mplus can include continuous latent variables, categorical latent variables, or a combination of continuous and categorical latent variables. In the figure above, Ellipse A describes models with only continuous latent variables. Ellipse B describes models with only categorical latent variables. The full modeling framework describes models with a combination of continuous and categorical latent variables. The Within and Between parts of the figure above indicate that multilevel models that describe individual-level (within) and cluster-level (between) variation can be estimated using Mplus.

Mplus Base Program and Combination Add-On
Mplus Base Program and Combination Add-On包含了Mplus Base Program and the Mixture and Multilevel Add-Ons的所有功能。此外,它还包括处理同一模型中的集群数据和潜在类的模型。例如,两级回归混合分析、二级混合验证因子分析(CFA)和结构方程模型(SEM)、二级潜类分析、多层增长混合模型、二级离散和连续时间生存混合分析。其他功能包括缺失数据估计;复杂的调查数据分析,包括分层、聚类和不平等的选择概率(抽样权重);用极大似然法分析潜在变量相互作用和非线性因素;随机斜率;个体变化的观测次数;非线性参数约束;所有结果类型的极大似然估计。贝叶斯分析与多重归责原则;蒙特卡罗模拟功能以及后处理图形模型。

New feature: Mplus Web Talks by Bengt Muthén. No. 1 is now available. Web Talk 2 coming soon: “Using Mplus to do Latent Transition Analysis and Random Intercept Latent Transition Analysis”.

Automatic checking of whether two structural equation models are nested or equivalent (Bentler & Satorra. 2010) implemented and expanded to multiple group models and the weighted least squares estimators (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2018c, (Download scripts))