Users can select software limited to one-dimensional applications (the 1D-Standard Level), general two-dimensional applications (the 2D-Standard Level, which corresponds with former Hydrus-2D with MeshGen-2D) or for both two- and three-dimensional applications (i.e., 3D-Standard or 3D-Professional).

New Features and Changes (related to GUI):
1. Flowing particles in 3D projects
2. Streamlines
3. Graphical Manipulator

According to the Web of Knowledge (ISI), the “Highly Cited” or “Hot” manuscripts are manuscripts that has received enough citations to place them in the top of either 1% or 0.1% of papers in their field, respectively.
The HYDRUS software is used by thousands of users around the world (over ten thousand of downloads in 2017 alone, and many more before and since then), including leading research institutions, regulatory agencies, and consulting companies.

Improvements of the functionality and performance of 3D graphics: Drawing of objects in
transparent mode, control of the center of rotation when rotating a scene, speed up graphics
when drawing complex models and large FE-meshes.
New options for manipulation and the graphical display of background layers and bitmaps