MATLAB® helps you obtain deeper scientific or clinical insights by giving you the ability to analyze ever increasing amounts of data. Scientists and engineers use MATLAB for experimental approaches such as microscopy and biomedical imaging, electrophysiology, and genomics and next generation sequencing, or for modeling and simulation such as pharmacology and systems biology.
MATLAB enables you to access datasets from a wide variety of sources including databases, custom file formats, and web services; apply leading-edge analysis methods to your signal, image, video, molecular, and other datasets; and automate your experimental or theoretical set-up with customized analysis. With MATLAB, you can:

Explore data; build machine learning models;
do predictive analytics
MATLAB® makes data science easy with tools to access and preprocess data, build machine learning and predictive models, and deploy models to enterprise IT systems.
Access data stored in flat files, databases, data historians, and cloud storage, or connect to live sources such as data acquisition hardware and financial data feeds
Manage and clean data using datatypes and preprocessing capabilities for programmatic and interactive data preparation, including apps for ground-truth labeling
Document data analysis with MATLAB graphics and the Live Editor notebook environment
Apply domain-specific feature engineering techniques for sensor, text, image, video, and other types of data
Explore a wide variety of modeling approaches using machine learning and deep learning apps
Fine-tune machine learning and deep learning models with automated feature selection and hyperparameter tuning algorithms
Deploy machine learning models to production IT systems, without recoding into another language
Automatically convert machine learning models to standalone C/C++ code

通过 MATLAB,可以使用来自工业智能机器的数据定义模型。您还可以使用 Simulink 中的多域建模工具创建基于物理模型。数据驱动和基于物理模型都可以使用来自运营资产的数据进行调整,以作为数字孪生。这些数字孪生可用于预测、假设仿真、异常检测、故障隔离等。
可以在边缘、资产或云上部署 MATLAB 程序或 Simulink 模型。对于桌面、服务器、本地或云应用程序,可以生成运行时可执行文件、组件或容器。对于嵌入式设备,可以自动生成 C/C++、Verilog/VHDL 或 GPU 代码。探索和测试物联网系统算法应该运行的位置:无论是应该在资产或边缘上运行的时间关键型控制回路,还是应该在本地数据中心或云上运行的大数据分析。
ThingSpeak:基于 MATLAB 的物联网平台
ThingSpeak 是一款易于使用的基于云的物联网平台,适用于原型设计和小规模生产应用程序。使用 MQTT 或 REST API 从您的设备向 ThingSpeak 发送数据。从任何连接到互联网的浏览器查看实时数据的即时可视化视图。使用 ThingSpeak,您可以规划 MATLAB 代码在新数据到达时运行实时分析和可视化。通过创建警报和触发反应来处理您的数据。
启用 MathWorks 咨询服务
无论您的团队刚刚起步,亦或有丰富的 MATLAB 和 Simulink 使用经验,MathWorks 咨询服务都能为您开发定制计划并加速项目开发。我们的目标是通过个性化及完全透明的方法,帮您改进开发流程、挖掘工具潜力、提供工作效率。

Manufacturers of equipment used in manufacturing, testing, and power generation applications face complex challenges to develop embedded applications that integrate with mechanical, electrical, control, and signal processing systems. Forward-looking companies are turning to Model-Based Design to redefine the way they perform system-level design.
Model-Based Design enables industrial equipment makers to create executable specifications in the form of Simulink® models that provide clear design direction to diverse engineering groups.
Sharing models shifts the focus of the development process from design and test on hardware to design and test with models, enabling early verification across domains before investing in prototypes. Machine makers then leverage code-generation technology to reduce rework, link code to design, and allow software engineers to focus on software architecture.