使用 Simulink进行电力电子控制设计
电力电子使用 MATLAB® 和 Simulink® 开发电机、功率变流器和电池系统的数字控制系统。
使用 Simulink 对调度和闭环控制算法进行仿真并生成代码,与传统手工编码和在硬件上测试相比,缩短项目时间 50%。
获得对 Speedgoat 和其他实时硬件平台的实时仿真支持。
为主流微控制器、FPGA 和 SoC 生成 ANSI C 和处理器优化的 C 和 HDL 代码。
使用 MATLAB 和 Simulink,利用电机、电力电子、传感器和负载的库构建系统模型。利用经典的线性控制设计技术,如波特图和根轨迹。您可以使用自动 PID 调优,对逆变器输出电压幅值和频率进行控制。
在 Simulink 中,您可以对电流和转速控制器在正常和故障状态下进行仿真。设计模型启动、并设计降额和保护逻辑来确保电机安全运转。
Engineering teams use Model-Based Design with MATLAB® and Simulink® to verify and validate embedded systems. Teams author requirements directly in their models and can then use those models to generate production code for certification.
Author requirements in your model, and verify and trace them to the design, tests, and code.
Prove that your design meets requirements, and automatically generate tests.
Check compliance of models and code using static analysis and formal methods.
Find bugs, security vulnerabilities, and prove the absence of critical run-time errors.
Produce reports and artifacts, and certify to standards (such as DO-178 and ISO 26262).
MathWorks Cloud
MathWorks Cloud provides you with instant access to MATLAB and other products and services you are licensed for hosted on MathWorks managed cloud infrastructure. With MATLAB Online™, you can use MATLAB in a web browser without installing, configuring, or managing any software. MathWorks Cloud also provides MATLAB Drive™, giving you the ability to store, access, and work with your files from anywhere. You can access MathWorks Cloud solutions anywhere across different devices, use them to teach and learn, and to incorporate MATLAB analytics for a variety of applications.
Expanded analysis to big data without big code changes
Automatic packaging of analysis into freely distributable software components or embeddable source code without manually recoding algorithms
Sharable reports automatically generated from your analysis