Compute Isolines displayed on the surface of a model which accurately follow the data at a sub-feature level.
3D Volumetric Plumes representing a 3D subset of your model based on any attribute. All data within the volumetric model will be retained in the volumetric subset.
Isosurfaces are 3D surfaces that represent a constant value within a 3D volume. These surfaces can represent a depth below ground surface, a constant concentration within a volume or any other 2D subset of the volume. All data within the volumetric model will be mapped to the surface.
Geologic Modeling
Surface Based Hierarchical Layer Models
Smooth Geologic Indicator Kriging
G – Size and complexity Limits
Incorporate Surficial Geology with Smooth Geologic Indicator Kriging
Perform volumetric analysis of model subsets such as:
Plume volume and and analyte mass of soil contamination above a specified threshold
Mass and monetary value of gold ore reserves in an ore body constrained by property boundaries and/or depth.
Statistics including minimum, maximum, mean, median, standard deviation and histograms.
Each major release of Earth Volumetric Studio includes a corresponding release of Earth Volumetric Studio Sample Projects. Each project folder includes a number of applications which strive to introduce all major modules in Studio with real-world examples provided by our customers over our 27 year history.