Non-Standard External Overland flow module and examples demonstrating its use. Kinematic Wave equation is solved for the overland flow. Download now
Carbon Non-Standard External UnsatChem module extended to simulate the production and transport of carbon dioxide in soils. Download now
Roots Growth Example demonstrating the Root Growth module, developed by Anne Hartmann, as a supplemental module of the HYDRUS software package (both Hydrus-1D and HYDRUS (2D/3D) to model the root growth as a function of different environmental stresses. (pdf) Download now
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Drywell Examples from Sasidharan et al. (2018) demonstrating the use of the new Reservoir Boundary Conditions (i.e., wells, furrows, wetlands) in HYDRUS (Šimůnek et al., 2018) for drywell applications.

There are thousands of registered users in HYDRUS discussion forums allowing them to share their experience and learn from others.
The HYDRUS software has been linked to other widely used programs in their respective fields of applications (e.g., MODFLOW, PHREEQC, Wetland Module, DSSAT, and Rosetta).
No other software for subsurface hydrology can match any of these accomplishments.

New Features and improvements:
1. The PFAS Module (in 1D and 2D) considers sorption to the air-water interface and the
concentration effects on surface tension and viscosity [Silva et al., 2020].

HYDRUS 水流和溶质运移模拟软件
HYDRUS一共五个版本,用户可以选择适合自己版本。用户可以选择局限于一般功能的二维应用(2D-Standar本,与之前含有MeshGen-2D的Hydrus-2D功能一致)或者二维和三维应用(如3D-Standard 或3D-Professional)。用户也可以选择相对简单的(二维直角几何图形—3D-Lite, 与之前不含MeshGen-2D的Hydrus-2D功能一致)或三维的几何立体图形– 3D-Lite)或更复杂的几何图形(用于普通二维几何图形的2D-Standard或在二维基础上以及分层三维的3D-Standard,以及用于普通三维几何图形的3D-Professional)。用户也可以选择从低版本升级到高版本。
HYDRUS is a software package for simulating water, heat, and solute movement in two- and three-dimensional variably saturated media. The software package consists of a computational computer program and an interactive graphics-based user interface. A brief description of HYDRUS is given in the Introduction and Program Description. More detailed information is given in the User and Technical Manuals.