科学软件网销售EVS(Earth Volumetric Studio)地质建模软件达19年,拥有丰富的销售和技术服务经验。
Services: Consulting
C Tech offers environmental and geologic consulting services for data analysis and visualization using EVS. Our services are designed to complement (not supplant) the role of environmental engineering firms.

Earth Volumetric Studio includes the capabilities of C Tech’s former Environmental Visualization System Pro and MVS (Mining Visualization System) within a more powerful, easy-to-use environment. Features include: borehole and sample posting; parameter estimation using expert system driven 2D and 3D kriging algorithms with best fit variograms; exploding geologic layers; finite difference and finite element modeling grid generation; advanced gridding; comprehensive Python scripting of virtually all functions; high level animation support; interactive 3D fence diagrams; multiple analyte data analysis and integrated volumetrics and mass calculation for soil and groundwater contamination and ore bodies. The advanced features in , formerly found in our MVS software are targeted to the needs of mining engineers and planners, or the geologist or environmental engineer with the most demanding requirements. Some of the advanced features include: 3D fault block generation; tunnel cutting; advanced texture mapping; mine pit modeling; visualizing and modeling of ore body overburden; and many additional advanced features.
Studio includes C Tech’s DrillGuide© technology which applies integrated geostatistics to provide quantitative appraisal of the quality of site assessments and identification of optimal new sample locations at sites that require additional investigation. This proven technology can dramatically cut site assessment costs whether you’re searching for gold or groundwater contamination. Our tools improve site assessment and enhance your ability to analyze and present data for assessments, remediation planning, litigation support, regulatory reporting, and public relations.

Interactivity Highlights
Rotate, Zoom, Pan, and Query Objects in the Viewer
Interactively Build Fence Diagrams in 3D Geochemical Models
Interactive Fly-Over and Fly-Through Animations
Interactively Build Fault Surfaces and Fault Blocks

Geologic Modeling
Surface Based Hierarchical Layer Models
Smooth Geologic Indicator Kriging
G – Size and complexity Limits
Incorporate Surficial Geology with Smooth Geologic Indicator Kriging