Hence, both adsorbed and volatile solutes, such as pesticides, can be considered. The solute transport equations also incorporate the effects of zero-order production, first-order degradation independent of other solutes, and first-order decay/production reactions that provide the required coupling between the solutes involved in the sequential first-order chain.

Examples of water flow simulations in simple and complex (Mallants et al., 1999) capillary barriers. Download now (3.4 MB)
Grignon Numerical analysis of water and solute transport in a cultivated silt loam soil (heterogeneity generated by farming practices) (Coquet et al., 2005).

There are hundreds of resolved problems in the HYDRUS public library of projects (1D, 2D, and 3D), from which HYDRUS users can learn how to use HYDRUS in their particular applications.

Version 2.0, released in early May of 2011, is the first major upgrade of HYDRUS since 2006. In this version, we are expanding the four editions (Levels) which were available in version 1.x of HYDRUS, namely 2D-Lite, 2D-Standard, 3D-Lite, and 3D-Standard, with a new additional Level 3D-Professional. The 3D-Professinal Level will enable you to define transport domains of virtually arbitrary 3D shapes. Another major improvement that should significantly improve the effectiveness of working with HYDRUS is an option to specify various domain properties, and initial and boundary conditions, on Geometric Objects, rather than on FE-Mesh. We have also implemented two new solute transport modules (UNSATCHEM and Wetland) for evaluating the transport of major ions and for simulating processes in natural or constructed wetlands. There are also many other additional improvements and expansions of the model. Version 2.02, released in September 2012, offers three additional add-on modules: DualPerm for simulating two-dimensional variably-saturated water movement and solute transport in dual-permeability porous media, i.e., preferential and nonequilibrium water flow and solute transport, C-Ride for simulating two-dimensional colloid-facilitated solute transport, and HP2, which couples Hydrus (its two-dimensional part) with the PHREEQC geochemical code [Parkhurst and Appelo, 1999] to create this new comprehensive simulation tool (HP2 - acronym for HYDRUS-PHREEQC-2D), corresponding to a similar one-dimensional module HP1. Version 2.03, released in September 2013, uses new fonts improving the look of HYDRUS GUI on Chinese, Japanese and other similar Windows systems. This version also brings a number of new functions.