These tasks and apps then generate the MATLAB code needed to programmatically reproduce the work you did interactively.Use a prebuilt family of functions for identifying and cleaning sensor drift, signal outliers, missing data, and noise.
Develop Large-Scale Applications
You can develop and maintain large-scale applications using MATLAB with projects, source control integration, unit testing, continuous integration and deployment, and toolbox packaging.
MATLAB 和 Simulink 于物联网的应用
在物联网应用中,MATLAB® 和 Simulink® 可以帮助您设计、建立原型和部署,例如预测性维护、运营优化、监督控制等等。
使用连接云存储、关系型和非关系型数据库的内置接口以及诸如 REST、MQTT 和 OPC UA 等协议访问和预处理流数据和存档数据。
通过自动生成基于 C/C++、HDL、PLC、GPU、.NET 或 Java® 的软件组件,将 MATLAB 分析和 Simulink 模型部署到您选择的资产、边缘或云。
使用包含 MATLAB 分析的即用型物联网平台 ThingSpeak™,可以建立小型系统原型和操作化。
Engineers working toward an optimized design must develop their software and physical system together. MathWorks physical modeling tools bring accuracy and efficiency to this effort by enabling you to:
Assemble system-level models that span multiple physical domains and include the control system in a single environment
Create reusable models of your physical system with physical ports, in addition to input and output signals
Model custom physical components (mechanical, electrical, and other physical domains) using a MATLAB based physical modeling language
Extend your analysis with 3D visualization and additional simulation methods
You can convert the models of your physical system to C code and deploy the code to other environments for tasks such as hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing. These models support all phases of Model-Based Design.