Signal processing is essential for a wide range of applications, from data science to real-time embedded systems. MATLAB® and Simulink® products make it easy to use signal processing techniques to explore and analyze time-series data, and they provide a unified workflow for the development of embedded systems and streaming applications.
With MATLAB and Simulink signal processing products, you can:
Acquire, measure, and analyze signals from many sources.
Design streaming algorithms for audio, smart sensor, instrumentation, and IoT devices.
Prototype, test, and implement DSP algorithms on PCs, embedded processors, SoCs, and FPGAs.
Signal processing is essential for a wide range of applications, from data science to real-time embedded systems. MATLAB® and Simulink® products make it easy to use signal processing techniques to explore and analyze time-series data, and they provide a unified workflow for the development of embedded systems and streaming applications.
With MATLAB and Simulink signal processing products, you can:
Acquire, measure, and analyze signals from many sources.
Design streaming algorithms for audio, smart sensor, instrumentation, and IoT devices.
Prototype, test, and implement DSP algorithms on PCs, embedded processors, SoCs, and FPGAs.
Signal Analysis for Everyone
MATLAB and signal processing products help you analyze signals from a range of data sources. You can acquire, measure, transform, filter, and visualize signals without being an expert in signal processing theory. You can apply signal processing tools to:
Preprocess and filter signals prior to analysis.
Explore and extract features for data analytics and machine learning applications.
Analyze trends and discover patterns in signals.
Visualize and measure time and frequency characteristics of signals.

全球数以百万计的和科学家使用 MATLAB? 来分析和设计可改变世界的系统和产品。MATLAB 广泛应用于汽车主动安全系统、行星际宇宙飞船、健康设备、智能电网和 LTE 蜂窝网络。它用于机器学习、信号处理、图像处理、计算机视觉、通讯、计算金融学、控制设计、机器人学等等。
1) 的数值计算及符号计算功能,能使用户从繁杂的数算分析中解脱出来;
2) 具有完备的图形处理功能,实现计算结果和编程的可视化;
3) 友好的用户界面及接近数学表达式的自然化语言,使学者易于学习和掌握;
4) 功能丰富的应用工具箱(如信号处理工具箱、通信工具箱等) ,为用户提供了大量方便实用的处理工具。

Simulink 用于 HDL 代码生成和验证
无需编写 HDL 代码即可探索、实现和验证 FPGA、SoC 或 ASIC 设计。
进行顶层设计和探索,之后直接通过 MATLAB® 或 Simulink® 生成并验证 HDL,以用于 FPGA、ASIC 或片上系统 (SoC) 原型或生产项目。
为任意FPGA、ASIC 或 SoC 硬件生成优化且可读的 VHDL® 或 Verilog®
直接从 Simulink 和 MATLAB 部署至原型硬件并进行调试
算法模型和测试用例 可复用

Developing mechatronic systems requires integrating mechanical, electrical, control, and embedded software subsystems. Model-Based Design and MathWorks products enable you to design and simulate all of these domains in a single environment.
Through desktop and real-time simulations, you can:
Predict and optimize system performance
Understand and manage complex system interactions
Detect design inefficiencies and integration errors early during development
Verify and test mechatronic systems such as motor control using fewer hardware prototypes.
Eliminate manual coding errors by automatically generating code from the simulation model