Discrete-event simulation with SimEvents® provides capabilities for analyzing and optimizing event-driven communication using hybrid system models, agent-based models, state charts, and process flows.
Within this integrated modeling and data analysis environment, you can:
Design distributed control systems, hardware architectures, and sensor and communication networks for aerospace, automotive, and electronics applications
Model process flows, perform capacity planning, and optimize supply chains for manufacturing and operations
Analyze and optimize end-to-end latencies, throughput, packet loss, and other performance characteristics of communication networks
Customize queues, routing algorithms, processing delays, and prioritization schemes
Simulate hybrid systems containing time-based, event-based, and agent-based components
Simulate event-driven processes, such as mission plans with autonomous agents or the stages of a manufacturing process

Automatically translate your MATLAB code to C and C++ code for deployment to embedded targets. Document your work using MATLAB Live Editor and export your results to reports in PDF, Microsoft® Word, Latex, and HTML.

全球数以百万计的和科学家使用 MATLAB? 来分析和设计可改变世界的系统和产品。MATLAB 广泛应用于汽车主动安全系统、行星际宇宙飞船、健康设备、智能电网和 LTE 蜂窝网络。它用于机器学习、信号处理、图像处理、计算机视觉、通讯、计算金融学、控制设计、机器人学等等。
全球数以百万计的和科学家使用 MATLAB? 来分析和设计可改变世界的系统和产品。MATLAB 广泛应用于汽车主动安全系统、行星际宇宙飞船、健康设备、智能电网和 LTE 蜂窝网络。它用于机器学习、信号处理、图像处理、计算机视觉、通讯、计算金融学、控制设计、机器人学等等。
Key Features
为什么选择 MATLAB?
MATLAB 是面向和科学家的简单和具生产力的软件。无论您要分析数据、开发算法还是创建模型,MATLAB 都提供了鼓励探索和发现的环境。它将语言与针对迭代式工程和科学工作流进行调整的桌面环境相结合。

自动将 MATLAB 算法转换为 C/C++ 和 HDL 代码,从而在嵌入式设备上运行。
Run on Embedded Devices
MATLAB 与 Simulink 配合以支持基于模型的设计,用于多域仿真、自动生成代码,以及嵌入式系统的测试和验证。
将 MATLAB 用于:
探索如何使用 MATLAB 进行大数据、机器学习和生产分析。
探索 MATLAB 如何帮助您开发算法和执行全面的无线系统仿真。
MATLAB® makes data science easy with tools to access and preprocess data, build machine learning and predictive models, and deploy models to enterprise IT systems.
Access data stored in flat files, databases, data historians, and cloud storage, or connect to live sources such as data acquisition hardware and financial data feeds
Manage and clean data using datatypes and preprocessing capabilities for programmatic and interactive data preparation, including apps for ground-truth labeling
Document data analysis with MATLAB graphics and the Live Editor notebook environment
Apply domain-specific feature engineering techniques for sensor, text, image, video, and other types of data